Etteplan improves the utilisation rate and cost monitoring of its engineering software with CQFlexMon

Etteplan Oyj

Do the right people have the right tools, and are the cost allocations going to the right team? In a large engineering company, managing several engineering software solutions is challenging without a good monitoring system.

Each unit is invoiced according to the true use of the licences

Solving the engineering challenges of the future requires fresh and multidisciplinary thinking and sharp, enthusiastic and skilled people with the right attitude. Etteplan delivers service solutions that offer optimum benefits for the client. 

For years, Etteplan used a monitoring system that served its purpose well. However, as the company grew, more manual work was required. The system finally reached its limit when, for example, there was no solution found to include Catia V6 in the monitoring. The company was faced with developing a new system in-house or purchasing an external one. As a result, Etteplan decided to invest in Symetri's CQFlexMon license management solution.

“The total annual investment and maintenance costs of the different engineering software programs run into several million euros. We are therefore very interested in optimising utilisation and cost targeting this software in the company. Some of the software is very expensive. For most software, there are versions for different levels and specialisations. It is not sensible, for example, to use a heavy engineering application only for viewing documents – especially if another engineer needs that licence at the same time for his or her engineering work.”


  • Several different engineering software solutions and versions are used, making it challenging to allocate costs accurately to the different cost centres within the company

  • Etteplan needed a system which ensures that the company has the right amount of engineering software and that it’s available to the right persons

  • Etteplan’s previous licensing management system no longer met the company’s needs


  • Etteplan decided to invest in the CQFlexMon solution from Symetri

  • The chosen solution was developed to meet Etteplan’s needs and included new functionalities

  • All of Etteplan’s engineering software, in Finland and abroad, was incorporated into the system


  • Less work required to prepare internal billing reports

  • Improved cost targeting

  • Easier budgeting and cost monitoring and a reduction in the number of required software licences

  • CQFlexMon collects the required data and conforms to the EU GDPR Data Protection Act


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