Free Access to Pinnacle Lite for Naviate Users

We are committed to supporting you and your business as you adjust to the current situation. One challenge that many of our customers share is the need to have timely access to colleagues, experts and in other ways solve issues or questions on how to handle tools and software. The need for continuous training and support is becoming an even more important factor to stay competitive.

Free Access to Pinnacle Lite for Naviate Users

How we´ll support you

Many of us are used to work in teams and project groups, having our colleagues close by and by that easy access to knowledge. Now many of us are working from home and getting a fast track to knowledge, guidance and help is not that easy or at least limited.

Therefore we are now offering access to Pinnacle Lite to all Naviate users. This means users will have access to the Pinnacle Series for Autodesk as well as Naviate. For Naviate, new training material and instructions will be updated continuously.

About Pinnacle

Pinnacle Lite supports all users to learn new functions at their own pace and thus increase productivity as well performance. The supporting functions within the tool secures that your users have easy access to:

  • Videos: explaining and showcasing use of different functions and shortcuts.
  • Search engine: making it easy to find the answer to a particular question
  • Mobile app: always-on access regardless of location.
  • Suggestions for Learning Paths.
  • Cheat sheets, tips and tricks as well as Q&A.

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