Bluebeam Essentials | English

This Bluebeam Essentials course is designed to introduce new users to the core features of Bluebeam® Revu®. You will get an introduction to the Bluebeam interface and learn the foundational skills necessary to organize, markup, edit and track comments in a PDF drawing set.

Course content for Bluebeam Essentials:

  • Get an introduction to the Bluebeam interface
  • Learn how to use Profiles & Navigation
  • Experience how to setup Document Manipulation
  • Learn how to use Markup Tools
  • Learn how to use Properties Toolbar
  • See how effective the Tool Chest is
  • Experience how to work with Markups List
  • Work with Stamps
  • Setup Studio Overview, Studio Sessions & Studio Projects

Bluebeam, Bluebeam Revu and Revu are registered trademarks of Bluebeam, Inc., used under license.

Benefits of participating on the Bluebeam Essentials course

Get an introduction to Bluebeam Revu
Experience how to setup Document Manipulation
Learn how to use Markup Tools
Learn how to setup PDF´s through Revu Batch

Expected outcome

By the end of the course you will be able to edit your PDF Files and use all the functions in Bluebeam® Revu®. You will also understand how you can use PDF documents to communication with your collaborators.

Expected outcome


Kommende kursusdatoer

Online Training - 1 dag
Kursusansvarlig Jeanett Brosch
22.august 2024 09:00 - 15:00
Pris 16.400 kr.

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Reykjavík - 1 dag
Kursusansvarlig Jeanett Brosch
24.oktober 2024 09:00 - 15:00
Pris 16.400 kr.

Kurset er nu booket.

Kurset er nu booket.

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