Naviate streamlines our BIM projects


When a train passes a train station at 250 kilometres per hour, the air pressure on the waiting passengers is likely to be unpleasant. However, at the new Holmestrand train station outside Oslo, this will not be the case.

Holmestrand train station will be the first of its kind in the world with platforms for waiting passengers on one level and platforms for passing trains on another. In addition, the whole station area will benefit from acoustic ceilings, pressurereducing materials and many technical solutions.

"The level of professionalism and competency at Symetri is very high and the consultants are always there for us when we need them. We can call them and get an answer to a quick support question or hire them as consultants both in a training role and as sparring partners." Eirik Olav Sundet, project engineer at Rambøll


  • 6,000 different numbers with circuit numbering and device numbering
  • Solution to design flat levels inside a mountain


  • Option to write out the value on a circuit as a number and give all the wires belonging to this circuit a matching number
  • Develop a complex routine to extract data with 6,000 different numbers for circuit numbering and device numbering
  • Make a cut in the wall to calculate the actual differences in Revit in the design phase


  • Development of tools cuts down manual work
  • Good overview of data from Autodesk Revit
  • A high quality end result
  • The electrician and other site workers can use their iPads on site
  • More digital procedures, less paperwork


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