Hille Melbye: Succes with BIM is relying on the partnership with their trusted advisor

Hille Melbye

The development of strong BIM and CAD skills are required when designing and constructing big shopping malls. To ensure this, Hille Melbye Architects is dependent on a close working relationship and trust in their BIM and CAD consultant company.

The Oslo based architect company Hille Melbye Architects are dependent on automated solutions and skills in delivering 3D building information modelling. As Hille Melbye Architects are known for designing and delivering large buildings such as shopping malls and public buildings, these skills are of great importance. Therefore, the company is one of the forerunners when talking about BIM projects, which in turn often helps them landing big orders.

BIM is the future way of making good architectural solutions. Accordingly, it is important to start working with the programs in the actual projects that the company is solving. 

"We have made the right choice in choosing Symetri when it comes to having a trusted advisor in our field." Claudia Tambuscio, Bim Manager and architect, Hille Melbye


  • Manual handling of doors.
  • From 2D to 3D.


  • Naviate Door tool.
  • Revit / BIM implementation.


  • The Naviate door tool is of high value and 3D does the job.
  • A huge improvement to be able to count 700 doors with detailed information.
  • With BIM, delivery of a high quality product to the customers. It may take just as long to make the design but the quality is beyond comparison.


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