Cedervall Architects – thorough preparations are key to success with BIM

Cedervall Arkitekter

Early preparations for the future BIM methodologies with Symetri on board as the right partner is the key to success going from 2D to BIM project planning.

The whole BIM introduction started when Cedervall Architects in Stockholm wanted to be able to meet the demands of the customers who wanted to use BIM in their projects. Today, the company is winning more and more cases, because they are in control of delivering professional BIM projects.


Cedervall needed a CAD and BIM advisor. Main issue: Moving from 2D to 3D and from there to Building Information Modelling.


Symetri Consultancy in the right methodologies using the programs Revit, Solibri, Naviate and BIMeye.

  • Template files and a major content library; components and products that are adapted to Swedish standards.
  • Sheet manager; keep track of views and copy drawings quickly and easily create enhanced drawing lists.
  • Door tools; automated handling of doors and some of their data.
  • Filter elements; find and select the item to be edited.


BIM Methodology development:

  • Streamline the design process.
  • Ensure common working methods.
  • Ensure Implementation working.


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